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How to Move My Surveyor Points?

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There are times when you import your survey points but it is not superimposed properly on top of your tracing drawing. This issue usually happens when you have your tracing drawing and survey points in two separate files.

This issue might be due to different base points in both drawing files. Refer image below to see the difference of base point for both drawings. We can clearly see that the survey points are located far away from our base point while the tracing drawing is located near to the base point.

Base point for tracing drawing

Base point for survey points

To solve this issue, you can just move your survey points in your input screen to the desired location using “Translation” or “By Point” features under the Action tab.

Translation #

You can go to;
Actions > Translation > Click in the input screen > Only tick the entity you want to move in the “Move Entities Selection” window > OK

Next, you can input the offset coordinate as highlighted in the red box depicted in the image below and press enter. Or you can also click anywhere you would like to place the bounding box (white box in the image).

Now, your survey points group has been superimposed correctly on top of your tracing drawing.

By point #

Use this method when one of the survey points coordinates is known. For example, the highlighted survey point in the red box as per image below has a known coordinate of 295.564, 797.067 but current coordinate of the selected point is 492.190, 3908.701.

Then you can go to;
Actions > By Point > Click in the input screen > Only tick the entity you want to move in the “Move Entities Selection” window > OK

Select on the point with known coordinate.

Enter the new coordinate of that particular point and press enter. Or you can also click on your destination coordinate.

Your survey points group is now superimposed properly on top of your tracing drawing. Double check the known survey points by checking the coordinate in the spread input table.

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