MiTS 2 can let users to have the options to assign the berm drain width as part of the berm. We provide an option for users to either include the drain into the berm drain width calculation or not. Below are the steps on how to do it.
Berm Drain Width is Included as part of the Berm Width #
Go to;
Options > Project Parameters > Earthworks > Typical Slope > Slope Section > Tick Include vdrain in Berm Length
Image 1 Vdrain is included in berm width setting
Include vdrain in Berm Length means that the vdrain is a part of the berm width. Based on the image 1, the berm width is set to be 1.5 m. Since berm drain width is included which defined by 0.3 m width, thus the berm width will be narrower (refer image 2).
Image 2 1500 mm Berm Width
Image 3 Narrower berm width since the berm drain width is included
Berm Drain Width is Not Included as Part of the Berm Width #
Go to;
Options > Project Parameters > Earthworks > Typical Slope > Slope Section > Untick Include vdrain in Berm Length
Image 4 Vdrain is not included as part of the berm width setting
Unctiked “Include vdrain in Berm Length” means that the vdrain is not part of the berm width. Based on the Platform Editor setting, the berm width is set to be 1.5 m (refer image 5). Since berm drain width is not included, thus the berm width is measured as in the setting.
Image 5 1500 mm berm width setting
Image 6 Berm drain width is not included as part of the berm width