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Clash Analysis Outcome

Vertical #

Key Plan (Vertical) #

MiTS-Clash Analysis can generate a key plan based on the network systems.

Insufficient Warning – Yellow sign to indicate clearance between 2 pipes is less than minimum value set.

Clash Warning – Red sign to indicate clearance between 2 pipes less than material thickness.

*Double clicking on the sign will link it to the point in report.

**Right click on the sign to show the conflict point in 3D view.

Report (Vertical) #

MiTS-Clash Analysis can generate a detailed report for every intersection point.

*Double click on any point will link back to the point in the key plan.

Vertical Clearance

Formulas used to get vertical clearance as below:

  1. Vertical Clearance (Sewer and Water) = Water IL – ( Sewer IL + Sewer Pipe Diameter)
  1. Vertical Clearance (Drain and Water) = Drain IL – ( Water IL + Water Pipe Diameter)
  1. Vertical Clearance (Sewer and Drain) = Drain IL – ( Sewer IL + Sewer Pipe Diameter)


Explanation of remark as below:

  • OK – Vertical clearance more than minimum value set.
  • Insufficient – Vertical clearance in between two times the material thickness set and minimum value set.
  • Clash – Vertical clearance less than two times of material thickness set.
  • Based on assumption, drain is above water pipe, and water pipe above sewer pipe; remark (eg. Drain is below sewer pipe) will be shown if the criteria are not fulfilled

Horizontal #

Horizontal clash analysis has been improved in order to allow users to have a sense of a more realistic clash. Refer to this blog post for more explanation and details of calculation (Improved Horizontal Clash Analysis Benchmark)

Key Plan (Horizontal) #

MiTS-Clash Analysis can generate a key plan based on the network systems. 

Clash Warning – Red sign to indicate sump or manhole clashed with another object.

*Double clicking on the sign will link it to the point in report.

**Right click on the sign to show the conflict point in 3D view.

Report (Horizontal) #

MiTS-Clash Analysis can generate a detailed report for every clashed point.

*Double click on any point will link back to the point in the key plan.

Horizontal Clearance

Shortest perpendicular distance needed to avoid clashing with sump/manhole.

–ve = Inner profile clash and outer profile clash

+ve = Utilities are less than the minimum requirement of the clearance and are not  



Object that clashed with Sump/Manhole

User may refer to the video below for further reference

Long Section #

User may view the long section by right click at the warning and choose long section.

Drain Long Section #

MiTS-Clash Analysis can generate a drain long section with a water pipe and sewerage pipe shown in the intersection point.

Sewer Long Section #

MiTS-Clash Analysis can generate a sewerage long section with a water pipe and drain shown in the intersection point.

Water Long Section #

MiTS-Clash Analysis can generate water reticulation long sections with drain and sewerage pipe shown in the intersection point.

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