Cut Section #
Cut Section can be drawn at any angle and length by using the icon below. Section view can be exported out as DWG and DXF format. Cut Section is divided to Individual and Master Strings

Input & Modification (Individual) #
Users can propose / fix the cut section length right after clicking once at the input screen to activate snapping and click enter. For example, cut section length to be proposed/fixed at 300m.

After a cut line has been drawn, select it and right-click on it to choose “Add Parallel Cut Lines”, “Add additional segments”, “Extend” , or “Show Cut Section”.

Add Parallel Cut Lines #
“Add Parallel Cut Lines” is being chosen, located the range of cut sections should be added and enter the interval of the added cut sections.
Program will auto generate the cut lines according to the interval input.

Add additional segments #
“Add additional segments” is being chosen, then choose one of the edge of the cut section line to start the additional section

Then draw the new section from the selected edge

Extend #
“Extend” is being chosen, click the circle at the cut line to lengthen or shorten the cut section.

The cut section line can be shown as full line or not full line.

Show Cut Section #
Show cut section will bring user to the cross section of the selected cut line
Master Strings #
Master Strings feature available for MiTS and above. The purpose of ‘Master Strings’ is to allow user to make cut sections perpendicularly across a reference line, which is handy when user have many entities (road, drain, sewer, etc.) and want to view multiple cross sections.
The feature is to change a batch of cut section distance/parameters easily.
1. Click Master Strings tab > create the reference line
2. Assign the interval and the offset
3. The cut sections are created perpendicularly towards the reference line created
4. To view the cross section, click on “Terrain > Cut Section” in Earthworks. All the cut sections created will be shown.
‘Zig-Zag’ Cut Section #
Now both the individual cut sections and master strings have the flexibility in modelling with a ‘shift’ function to have not only a straight cut section line.
Users can continue to have a ‘zig-zag’ cut section by continuing to model the cut section by pressing shift before continuing.
Individual Cut Sections #

Master Strings #

Cut Section Label #
Cut Section Label setting is located at Options>>Project Parameters>>Earthworks>>Detailing>>Cut Section>> Table.
Labels displayed in a cut section are controlled by this ‘Label’ setting.
Use the button ‘Add’ & ‘Remove’ to determine which label to be used. Labels in ‘Current Label’ will be displayed in the cut section and by using the button ‘Move Up’ & ‘Move Down’; the order of the labels can be rearranged.