The water reticulation project can now be exported to EPA Net format. However, several conditions must be met for the results to match:
The Fire Flow Supply Level should be calculated using the Highest Supply Level (HSL). When exporting to EPA Net, the node elevation data in EPA Net will be based on this setting, whether Ground Level (GL) or HSL from MiTS. Take note that peak and average flow used HSL data for their calculation, so if the Fire Flow Supply Level is GL, then the residual pressure might differ a bit between MiTS and EPA Net for nodes with tank water level, since HSL = GL + Tank water level. You might refer to this blog post for more information regarding MiTS calculation in water reticulation.
Options > Project Settings > Water Ret > Design > Fire Flow > Fire Flow Supply Level == GL/HSL
Compared with MiTS, EPA Net did not have the Sluice Valve and Non-return Valve, so make sure the valve used in MiTS did not contain this type of valve if you want to compare both software results.
Verify that both software have similar default values for analysis; Flow Units, Headloss Formula
Checking Default Values for Water Reticulation and EPA Net#
How to check/adjust the value used in each software? You may refer to the following table.
Default Setting
Water Reticulation
Flow Unit = LPS
Options > Project Settings > Water Ret > Input > Water Demand Units
Ribbon Tab > Project > Analysis Options… > Flow Units
Headloss Formula = Hazen-Williams/Darcy-Weisbach
Options > Project Settings > Water Ret > Design > Headloss Formula
Ribbon Tab > Project > Analysis Options… > Headloss Formula
This example project file has both MiTS and EPA Net’s projects. The project file contains a pump curve, pressure breaking valve (PBV) and tank water level.
The terms used in MiTS and EPA Net are different. Below are the terms used in both software.
The comparison between EPA Net and MiTS shows similarity in the residual pressure of the node while the comparison of headloss in a few pipes has a difference of 0.001 m/km. The list of the pipes with this difference is shown in the table below.