Analysis of utility modules will produce the result in which some entities might pass, fail or have warning(s). This analysis status will be shown in the Excel report. In MiTS 3, an improvement was made in which the analysis status is also shown in the input screen and utilities’ key plan with the help of the Result Viewer.
What is a Result Viewer? It is a new feature that highlights the drains/pipes/sewers analysis status whether they pass, fail or have warning(s) on the plan. After analysis of each utility module, users can click on the Result Viewer button beside the Execute button to get a list of Pass, Warning and Failed elements in the Result Tree at the RHS panel which can be clicked upon to go to the clicked elements (highlighted) on the Input screen.
Example Project File HERE
Users can also adjust the transparency of the Pass, Warning and Error layer from the Input Setting or the Result Viewer tab at the RHS panel.