Click the “Analyse” button to calculate and check the drainage flow.

Summary of calculation report #
Longitudinal Section #
Click the “Long Section” button to generate longitudinal sections for the drainage network system.
Customize the indication of levels at Longitudinal Section #
Go to Parameters > Drainage > Detailing > Long Section > ‘X Detail Interval Level (m)’ and ‘Elevation Detail Interval Level (m)’
For example, X Detail Interval Level is 15m and Elevation Detail Interval Level is 3m.
Excel Report #
Excel report is generated.
Textual Report #
Detailed textual report is shown.
Quantity Survey #
Quantity survey data is shown.
Optimum Drain Size Design #
Users can allow the program to determine the optimum drain size for the drainage network system of the project. Iteration of drain size will be done and the optimum drain size will be selected by the program.
Users can allow the iteration for drain and gradient by selecting “Yes” at the particular drain in Drain Properties.
Nodes and Drains Element Reordering #
Starting from MiTS 2.4.30 version, users are now allowed to reorder the numbering for nodes/lines and flow orientation (available for drainage & sewer module).
Concepts applied:
- The numbering will always start upstream and then proceed gradually downstream.
- The numbering will strive to be consecutive when moving from one pipe/drain to another.
- The upper stream will always have smaller running compared to the downwards stream
- The flow orientation will always follow the input sequence.
Therefore, it is expected that the last node / drains will always be the biggest number.
For example;

Users will require to analyse and go to input tab

In the image above, to reorder the node number, click ‘Node’ OR to reorder the drainage number, click ‘Drain’ OR to reorder the flow orientation, click ‘Reorient Edge’.
**please refer image below**

For flow orientation, users can select to:
- Follow GL – drain flow is according to the height of the GL detected (higher to lower)
- Follow IL – drain flow as per IL entered by users or iterations (higher to lower)

Drain flow direction by ‘Reorient Edge’ #
Starting from MiTS 2.6.x.x, the drain flow direction can be set to follow the ‘Ground Level’ or ‘Invert Level’.
To do so, click the ‘Reorient Edge’ button > at Edge Reorientation Dialog’ choose to follow GL/IL.