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Modelling Difference to Generate Continuous Slope in MiTS 1 and MiTS 2 (Reorder Slope)

2 min read

Example #

Original Project: Click HERE

Project File MiTS 1 (This project is generated in EW3D Click HERE

Project File in MiTS 2 (This project is generated in MiTS Click HERE

Issues  #

  1. The slope is not fully generated at the highlighted area 
  2. Will the void space affect the cut/fill calculation. The void will affect the calculation as the area is not considered in the calculation
  3. The complete berm at the top ( instead of bottom) is unstable. It would be better if the slope is starting from the bottom, following the topography of the bottom platform and then sloping upwards.

Ways to resolve this, please refer to the following articles:

  1. MiTS 1 (How to Solve the Issue of Full Berm at the Top Part of the Slope)
  2. MiTS 2 (How to Solve Issue on Full Berm at the Top Part of the Slope in MiTS 2 (Reorder Slope Function))

How “Slope In” is generated #

The edge of the edge is assigned as “In”. “Slope In” is generated from the elevation of the platform edge inwards and stops until it hits the ground level. The behaviour also explains the uneven generation of the slope when they hit the toe. 

The slope generation is also unable to be created continuously as per image above. As an example, the adjacent edges (edge C2 – C3 – C4) of edge C1-C2 are not assigned as “slope in” and result in a straight cut of the slope as shown in the 3D view image. 

How to encounter the issue #

If you are using MiTS 1, the way to solve it is to add a dummy platform in order to imitate the slope region. However, the generation of the slope might not be as smooth as in MiTS 2 and a lot of trial and errors are required in order to create the slope at the void region. 

If you are using MITS 2, you may use the “Reorder slope” function to solve the void issue and to create a smooth toe slope. 

MiTS 1 #

  1. For MiTS 1, some extra modelling needs to be done in order to include slope at the void region. 
  2. The easiest way is to create a dummy platform in the region. 

3. Create the dummy platform. 

4. Then, adjust the bigger platform so that they don’t overlap. Use “Add/Remove Vertex” and “Move Corner” to amend the shape.

In this process of amendment, you might require several times of readjusting the platform, in order to avoid overlapping platforms (add/remove vertex, move corner, rerun and repeat until they no longer overlapping)

5. Assign “Slope In” at the starting edge

6. Regenerate the slope and view the 3D. 

KeyPlan Output
3D View

The dummy platform slope created is now generated and acts as a slope at the region. However, the slope analysis will not be able to generate as smoothly as in MiTS 2, due to its limitation of programme and the toe slope also will remain as it is. 

MITS 2 #

  1. In MiTS 2, to generate the toe slope smoothly and to continuously create the slope including the void region, click on “Reorder Slope” 

2. Create another platform within the original platform, following the toe slope edge. 

3. The end drawing for the reorder slope is per image below

4. Regenerate the slope and view the 3D image

Slope is fully generated along the edge
Slope in fully generated along the edge in 3D

As images shown above, the toe drain is smoothly generated and the slope of the edge is fully generated, by only using the function of “Reorder Slope”. 

Other related articles:

  1. EW3D: How to Solve the Issue of Full Berm at the Top Part of the Slope
  2. How To Solve Issue on Full Berm at the Top Part of the Slope In MiTS 2 (Reorder Slope Function)

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