Sewer properties can be inputted in the Misc tab or Spread Input. Users have to select “Sewer” before inputting the sewer properties.

Misc #
Users can input the sewer properties in the Misc tab by selecting the particular sewer.

Spread Input #
It is easier for users to input the sewer properties by clicking the “Spread Input”

Pipe Type #
Select the sewer type by clicking the drop down list in Pipe Type Column.

Population Equivalent #
Population Equivalent calculator can be called out by:
1. Clicking the “PE Calculator” button.
2. Clicking the small box which will appear after users click the PE row in the Misc tab.

3. Clicking the small box in the PE column of Spread Input.

Population equivalent of the particular sewer can be calculated by selecting the “Type of Premise” and inserting the “Unit” in the PE Calculator. Users have to click “Calculate” every time after inserting the “Unit”.
Breaking and inserting manhole with distance #
- Maximum length by default is 100m. Users can change it at Options > Project Parameters > Sewerage >Input> Input Limit.

- When inserting sewer pipe more than the maximum length at the parameter, software will automatically break the sewer pipe into two (2).
Invert Level Adjustment #
Starting from MiST, user are now allowed to re-apply different default invert depth per pipe basis (apply for existing sewer and newly created sewer)
Go to Sewer > Spread Input > select sewer/sewers > click ‘Adjustment’ button on top left at the spread input
Note: user can select multiple sewers to raise/lower the pipes
User can choose to reset the invert depth by;
i) Adjust from current IL
ii) Adjust from GL
Positive (+ve) value is to raise the IL
Negative (-ve) value is to lower the IL
Running Network #
Starting from MiTS version 2.9, a Running Sewerage Network is introduced to allow the categorization of sewer in the sewer line network. The sewer can now be grouped by different names (i.e Existing and Proposed) .
Users can define their own sewer network under the parameters settings.
Go to Options > Project Parameters > Sewerage > Input > Running Network > Set the Sewer Network as per design > OK
Under the Running Network Name, user can name the drainage.

Example of a Running Sewer Network defined
Users can assign the sewer to the system under the Spread Input for sewer properties. Once assigned, the Running Sewer Network will be reflected on the Input Screen, Key Plan, and Schematic Plan.
Go to Sewer > Spread Input > Running Network > select the right system for the pipe

User can also select and assign multiple sewer to a running network by following the steps below;
Click CrossPoly or WindowPoly > Select the sewer > Properties > Running Network > Select the system for the sewer

Change Line Type for Sewer Line #
To change the type of the line show in the drawings, user may go to
Option > Project Parameters > Drainage > Detailing > Plans > Sewers

Define Line – will show the center line of the sewer pipe
Inner Profile – will show the inner sewer line, which excludes the sewer pipe thickness
Outer Profile – will show the outer sewer line, which includes the sewer pipe thickness
Inner & Outer Profile – will show a double line to indicate the inner and outer of the sewer pipe