How to setup server license manager #
1. Download the MiTS Intranet license manager from here. Install it on your server machine.
*refer to the images below for reference

2. Run the program by double-clicking the ‘FloatingLicenseService.exe’ on the Desktop.
However, if you cannot find it, the path is at;
- “C:\Program Files (x86)\MES Innovation Sdn Bhd\MiTS Intranet License Manager” OR
- “C:\Program Files\MES Innovation Sdn Bhd\MiTS Intranet License Manager”
The name of the EXE is “FloatingLicenseService.exe”
3. For the first time, you will need to retrieve the server ‘Hardware ID’ and email it to MES Support Team to obtain a ‘Server License’

4. Then, you will get a license file from the MES Support team (*.license) that activates the License Manager. Copy and paste the server license into the same directory as your “FloatingLicenseService.exe”
The path is – C:\Program Files (x86)\MES Innovation Sdn Bhd\MiTSIntranetLicenseManager
Note: without it your License Manager can’t function

5. Ensure that the License Manager is activated first before moving on to the next step by clicking the ‘Run Service’ and your License Manager will show information as image below;

- Do ensure that your firewall allows access from outside the machine (How to Allow application through firewall here)
- If a Firewall message pops up when you first launch the software, make sure you allow it
- By default, we will use port 2202 for communication between the server and the client machine (engineer’s machine)
6. To check that the relevant port is opening up, you can launch the command in line in admin mode and then type in netstat -aon and press enter.
(if the port is opened you can find it in the list)
7. Make sure that you click on “Run Service” to enable the service

How to setup the client side ( engineer’s machine) #
1. For the client machines (AKA engineer’s machines), copy the URI- the server’s address from the client machine point of view and send it to the MES Support team to create a license for client machines.

Note: A license file will be created for client machines that bind to this server
2. Copy and paste the license in the same directory as your MiTS exe on the client machines (every single one of them).
The path is – C:\Program Files\MES Innovation Sdn Bhd\MiTS2\2.8.x.0

3. Before launching MiTS 2, you may want to ensure your client machine can connect to the specific server port.
In Windows 10
- Click Start, type PowerShell, and then click Windows PowerShell
- To check that your machine is connecting to the specific server port, type Test-NetConnection -Port 2202 -ComputerName “server name”
Note: for “server name” you can use i) server computer name OR ii)server IP address
Shown below is the step on how to obtain the IP address of the server.
Go to Search panel and type in cmd > Run the command prompt as administrator > Type in ipconfig in the command terminal

In Windows 7 or older Windows
- Click Start, type cmd into the Search box, and right-click to run as administrator
- To check that your machine is connecting to the specific server port, type netstat -an|find/i “listening”
Note: make sure that the TcpTestSucceeded is True

4. Click MiTS and now you should be able to launch it and go to Help > Hardlock tab to ensure that it is correct.

5. When one of the client machines successfully launches MiTS 2.8.x.x, the MiTS Intranet License Manager will show you the number of ‘current users’ connected.

Troubleshooting Guides: #
What If I constantly get a ‘Hardlock Error’ message when I launch the software? #

Step 1: Ensuring MiTS Intranet License Manager is running #
1. Double-click on the FloatingLicenseService.exe on the Desktop to open up the MiTS Intranet License Manager.
2. Ensure the service is running (It should show ‘Stop Service’ instead of ‘Run Service’)

3. You may also restart the service on your side by clicking ‘Stop Service’ and then ‘Run Service’.
Step 2: Try to ping the server’s address from the client’s machine #
1. Go to Search Panel and type in cmd > Type in ping Server’s IP Address in the command terminal (i.e ping
2. If the ping is successful, users will get replies from the server’s IP and if the ping fails, users will get a Request timed out as in the images below.

Step 3: Ensuring the client’s machine can be connected to the specific server port using Test-NetConnection #
1. Go to Search Panel and type in Windows PowerShell
2. Type in the command line Test-NetConnection -Port 2202 -ComputerName “server’s machine name” (without the “”)
Test-NetConnection -Port 2202 -ComputerName LAPTOP-BKCE6MCL
3. To indicate a successful connection, the result should show ‘TcpTestSucceeded : True’
4. If the result displayed is PingSucceeded : False, users should try to use the server’s IP address during the Test-NetConnection instead of the server’s machine name as below.
Test-NetConnection -Port 2202 -ComputerName

5. To obtain the server IP address, on the machine acting as the server;
Go to Search Panel and type in cmd > Run the command prompt as administrator > Type in ipconfig in the command terminal

Conclusion: #
It should be noted that as long as you can Test-Connection successfully, then your client machine can already connect to the server. You just have to pass the ComputerName ( or the IP, whichever that can Test-Connection successfully) to us and we can create a license for you.
Unable to connect due to firewall restriction #
This is to troubleshoot the ping or Test-Connection failure. You don’t have to read this if you can Test-Connection successfully.
When client’s machines are unable to connect to the server machine, it may be due to the firewall setting which prevents outside connection.
In this case, users will need to (1) Allow the program to pass through a firewall OR/AND (2) Open a port on the firewall as below.
Note: These steps are taken from the Microsoft support website
How to allow a program to pass through your firewall #
To allow a program to pass through a firewall, you may follow the steps below.
1. Click on the Start menu > Type Allow an app through Windows Firewall > Select it from the list of the results.
2. Select Change settings. Do note that you may be asked for an administrator password or to confirm your choice.
3. To add an app, select the check box next to the app or select Allow another app and enter the path for the app.

How to open a port #
1. Click on the Start menu > Type Windows Defender Firewall > Select it from the list of results.
2. Select Advanced Settings on the side navigation menu. Do note that you might be asked for an administrator password or to confirm your choice.

3. Select Inbound Rules.

4. To open a port, under Actions, select New Rule… and complete the instructions.

Conclusion: #
You can tweak the firewall program/rules however you want. But as long as you can Test-Connection successfully, you can already connect to the server. Therefore it is advised that you “open up” everything first, make sure Test-Connection is successful, and then afterwards tighten your security without sacrificing the Test-Connection connectivity.