SketchUp is a 3D modelling software that allows users to create and manipulate 3D models of buildings, landscapes, furniture, and other objects. It is commonly used in architecture and interior design. MES Infra Integrated Total Solution or MiTS is a software that integrates and synchronises design changes across a single model and automatically updates between Earthworks, Storm Drainage Systems, Sewerage Systems, Water Reticulation Systems and Road Design.
Project design in MiTS can also be exported to SketchUp file format, SKP file. This article is to verify the validity of the MiTS design in SketchUp, where online SketchUp is used for verification.
Project File:
Here (SKP file is included in the file provided)
Design Validation #
1. Make sure to export the output from MiTS in SKP file format. Either change the format when exporting the output or change the export format in the project parameters beforehand. (Note: Make sure MiTS has the output tracing drawing before export them for ease of checking)

Options > Project Settings > Export Formats > Drawings
- Open the SKP file using the free online SketchUp app. Turn on the Entity Info and Model Info by clicking their respective button at the RHS panel; Entity Info (First button) & Model Info (Second last button)
- To check the validity of the MiTS design in SketchUp, change the format units to Meter in the Model Info
- You can move the SketchUp drawing freely by using your mouse ‘scroll wheel’ or the Orbit button at the LHS panel

- The parameters that can be compared between MiTS and SketchUp are the platform area, entity length, platform height and drain/pipe/sewer IL. All MiTS parameters can be found in the spread input and RHS panel’s Properties tab.
- Click on the Select button (first button at the LHS panel) and select any platform. The platform details will be shown in the Entity Info.

- Select any pipe to check its length in the Entity Info

- To measure the platform height/pipe IL, select the Tape Measure button or press T to activate its function. Then measure the height between the entity and its tracing drawing.