The infill feature comes with function whereby users can choose to connect the edges to the highest or lowest point of the neighboring platforms.

To change the setting, go to Project Parameters > Earthworks > Input > Infill > At the “Elevation snap to highest’
YES – software will take the highest neighboring platform height
NO – software will take the lowest neighboring platform height

i)if set to YES
- The connect to edges will be set to highest

ii) is set to NO
- The connect to edges will be set to lowest

And what about the elevation offset?
- Elevation offset is to allow user to raise (+ve value) or lower (-ve value) the proposed platform level

- This function equivalent to the ‘adjustment’ function for platform that can be found at the right hand side property grid

- I.e; if set to 50mm, hence when software propose platform level, the elevation offset will be add together which make the proposed platform level raised up by 50mm