Question 1: How to let pipe/node numbers run after a prefix? #
In MiTS 2, we can customise the marking of the pipes and nodes to our own preferences in the utility modules: Drain, Water and Sewer. Refer to the following blog post to learn the step-by-step on How to Customise Mark for Nodes and Edges in Utility Modules

Question 2: Why I Can’t Import Drain/Sewer/Water Pipe Successfully? #
When importing the drain/sewer/pipe, you might realize that it takes too long to import them into MiTS. Sometimes, it might take around 30 minutes to import the drain/sewer/pipe into MiTS, or longer. So, why does this happen?
Usually, this long time to import your drain/sewer/pipe is due to the type of line used to design them in the drawing. Sometimes, the drain/sewer/pipe layer designed in the drawing consists of numerous individual lines and some double lines. The drain/sewer/pipe needs to be made up of polyline/single line and not double lines – we don’t import the full 2D profile of the pipes, just the single line. Each polyline will be recognized as one drain/sewer/pipe.
Below is an example of a comparison between importing drain into MiTS from drawing with polyline drain and drawing with individual line and double line drain.

Project File:
(Friendly note: The individual/double line drain drawing’s video has been sped up to 36 times while the polyline drain’s drawing is using a normal speed)