Click Add in Project View to create a new MSMA project. Choose RWH, select MSMA 1st Edition, create the name of the project, and click Create.
Rainfall Data #
Determine the average yearly rainfall by inputting the average monthly rainfall from January to December.
Harvested Rainfall #
Determine the amount of harvested rainfall by inputting data in the Harvested Rainfall tab.
- Input the plane area of rooftop catchment, impervious pavement catchment, and/or landscape catchment.
- Input the runoff coefficient of rooftop catchment, impervious pavement catchment, and/or landscape catchment.
- Click on the “ Calculate” button to obtain the harvested rainfall from different types of catchment areas and total yearly harvested rainfall.
Water Demand #
Determine the amount of water demand by inputting data in the Harvested Rainfall tab.
- Choose the Appliance (outdoor/indoor).
- Select the Unit.
- Input the Frequency of Use.
- Click on “ Calculate” to obtain average water demand and required tank storage.
Tank Sizing #
Design tank volume by inputting data in Tank Sizing tab.
- Select the type of the tank.
- Input the dimension of the pond design.
- Click the “ Calculate” button to obtain Tank Storage.
Result #
Click the “ Analyse” button to generate the results.
Click Textual Report, Summary Report, or Graph tabs to show the outcomes respectively.
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