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Calculating and Checking Sewerage Flow

1 min read

Click the “Execute” button to calculate and check the sewerage flow.

Summary of Calculation Report #

Software will automatically generate a calculation report summary once the design has been analyzed, regardless of whether the design passes or fails the analysis.

Users also have the option to manually generate the report summary by selecting the “Output” tab in the top ribbon.

Key Plan #

Once the sewerage network design has been analyzed, the Key Plan will auto generated by the software.

The Key Plan will display the KeyPlan Table which provides information on the manholes.

Users can customize the table under the Parameters.

Example of the KeyPlan Table

Customization by going to Option > Project Settings > Sewerage > Detailing > Plans > Table

Not only that, the pipes will also be highlighted according to its analysis results category, which will be listed under the Result Viewer.

Long Section #

Click the “Long Section” button to generate the longitudinal sections for the sewerage network system.

Customize the indication of levels at long section #

Go to Options > Project Settings > Sewerage > Detailing > Long Section > X Detail Interval Level and Elevation Detail Interval Level

Example of long section with customized x and elevation interval

Excel Report #

Once the sewerage network design has been analyzed, the Excel Report will auto generated by the software.

Example of Excel Report

As shown in the image above, the Excel report will highlight the pipes that fail or have warnings from the analysis carried out.




The pipe fails the analysis. Users can take a look at the reason for the fails under the last column, “Remark”


The pipe has a warning based on the analysis carried out

White (No highlight)

The pipe passes the analysis

Quantity Survey (QS) #

Click on the “QS” button to generate a detailed quantity report of the sewerage network system.

There will be four reports generated; (1) Sewer (Summary), (2) Sewer (Detail), (3) Manhole (Summary), and (4) Manhole (Detail).

Example of QS report for Sewer

Example of QS report for Manhole

Population Equivalent (PE) Table #

Click on the “PE Table” to generate a report on the population equivalent input.

Textual Report #

Click the “Textual Report” button to generate a detailed report that shows the computation done by software for the analysis.

Optimum Sewerage Pipe Design #

Users can enable the software to automatically iterate and determine the optimal sewerage pipe for a sewerage network system.

They can also edit and add different pipe diameters for the software to consider. The program includes some default diameters.

Options > Parameters > Sewerage > Design > Diameter

During iteration, the software will begin with the smallest pipe diameter and proceed to larger ones, selecting the most suitable diameter that can accommodate the flow while keeping velocity and gradient within the required range.

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