MiTS 3.0 & 3.1 Versions
Released on January 2025. The full list can be seen HERE.
- Slope template configuration
- Wall Line
- Storm Water design
- Measure in 3D view
- Absolute/Iterated Depth Below Invert
- Customized Drain
- New headloss model: Chezy-Manning formula implemented
- Customize Road Width Element Manually
- Auto-adjust Invert Levels (IL) to resolve clearance warnings/errors
- CutFill contour boundary selection: boundary-specific results and “show within boundary only” option
MiTS 2.11 Versions
Released on November 2024. The full list can be seen HERE.
- Sense Lock (Virbox User Tool) for Cloud/Soft-lock License Type now supported for Windows 11 24H2
- Options to Show Gradient in Cross-Section in Percentage
- Defining Pervious and Impervious Areas for OSD Swinburne Method
- Options to Apply CCF Factor Only to Post Development Stage (Pond & OSD)
- Increase Decimal Places for MSMA Input
- MasterString Centerline as Cut Section CenterPoint
- Differentiated Slope-In Cut and Fill by Color
- Out-of-Range Vertical Alignment Grade Perceived as a Warning
- IDF Graph Shows All ARI Indicator Lines
- Options to Use 70% or 100% of QPre in MSMA Pond and OSD
- Display Reduced PSD in MSMA When 70% QPre or 70% PSD Is Selected
MiTS 2.10 Versions
Released on October, 31st, 2023. The full list can be seen HERE.
- Reassignment of selected points from a survey group for visibility and other property manipulation
- Self-generate internal road platforms by inputting centerline and details such as road elevations and width
- Users can now have the recommended minimum runoff length based on Table 4.8 in ATJ 8/86 Pindaan 2015 by choosing the User-defined method.
- Options to show CH0.000 on both Horizontal and Vertical Detailing for road design with negative starting chainage
- Implementation of a new road offset ‘FillsideVerge’ in accordance with JKR Standard
- Customization of nodes and edges prefixes for all utility modules
- Users can include Climate Change Factor (CCF) for drains and MSMA projects Ianalysis which can be opted under Project Parameters
- Implementation of Friend’s Equation for Time of Concentration (Tc) computation in OSD Swinburne Method
- Users may choose to compute the Site Storage Requirement (SSR) using the PSD value derived from Equation 19.1 in MSMA or the PSD value equals to 70% of Qpre for OSD design
MiTS 2.9 Versions
Released on December 23rd, 2022. Full list can refer HERE
New Feature
- User can now insert title block for cross-section/cut-section layout
- Some MiTS 3.0 feature can be access if user using the Cloud License
- User can named the Running System for Water Rec/Drain/Sewer
- Add Tracing Drawing in 3D IFC Export file
- User can choose multiple option of Horizontal Curve Calculation
- User can choose which guidelines they want to use for Curve Widening Table either AASHTO or ATJ for Road design
- ESCP Design more details
- Long Section also showing same utilities crossing each other at different levels
- Software provide a verification warning when TRN is not generating enough triangle elements
- Allow user to choose which superelevation table user want to use in the design
- User may choose the average velocity equation for open drains
- Tcpost > Tcpre warning will appear at both Time-Area method and Rational Method
MCIntegrator 2.9 Version
- User can sync utilities object as CIVIL Object
- Allow user to select which survey points they want to import from MiTS 2 to Civil 3
- Synchronization of multiple network for MCIntegrator
- Synchronization of Platform Surface for MCIntegrator
MiTS 2.7 & 2.8 Versions
Released on February 10th, 2022
- MiTS 2 Cloud License & Softlock License
- MiTS 2 Intranet License Manager
- Multiple openings for Pipe culvert and Box culvert for normal conveyance
- User can now input ‘Rock Depth’ in Earthwork for Grid Method
- Rock Layer is now available in 3D view
- Superimpose ground level and proposed level in 3D View
- EW project boundary is now available in 3D view
- Inflow hydrograph for pre-development is now available
- Display ground level in watershed delineation screen at the bottom bar
- Topsoil stripping depth and topsoil stripping volume details added in calculation report
- Polygonal window selection is now available
- MiTS 2.7 & 2.8 more enhancements and bugs fixes
MiTS 2.6 Versions
Released on July 15th, 2021
- Multiple tiers of retaining structure
- MC Integrator plugin for Civil 3D 2021/2022
- Google Earth Import and Watershed Analysis to Estimate Flow Path
- Watershed Delineation in 3D view
- Provide checking on the imported area of survey points
- Preserve the platform elevations from the exported drawing from MiTS
- Termination height for retaining structure
- Superimposed google maps as an image at input
- Flow path is now available in 3D view
- Users are now able to import Z value when importing drain/sewer
- Reorientation of drainage direction following gravity flow with just one click
- Display values for surveyor points is now available
- Improvement in drainage and sewerage iteration engine
- MiTS 2.6 more enhancements and bugs fixes
MiTS 2.5 Versions
Released on December 17th, 2020
- Automatic updater for MiTS 2.5 latest version
- MC Integrator installer is now available for Civil 3D
- Latest update new available at the RHS panel at MiTS start page
- Show details of survey points in 3D view
- Alert message on Z value 0 meter when importing survey points
- Include subgrade details in road cross section and vertical detailing
- Users now have more flexibility to choose to import survey points from text or z-geometry of the survey points
- Platform infill can now take higher or lower z neighboring values set in the parameter
- Title block is now editable in MiTS
- Search is now available at the parameter LHS tree
- Global parameter for platform import unit
- New layer properties for effective platform
- Tracing drawing is now superimposed on watershed drawing
- Previous slope feature is now available
- BIM and Information exchange in MiTS
- MiTS 2.5 more enhancements and bugs fixes
MiTS 2.4 Versions
Released on June 9th, 2020
- Cascading drain calculation in textual report
- Display all surveyor points on the plan concurrently
- Clash analysis improvement on horizontal benchmark
- Pipe invert level is now shown in Earthwork cut section
- MSMA 2 appendix updated with Sabah & Sarawak latest data
- Temporal pattern for Sabah & Sarawak is now available
- Areal reduction factor for Sabah & Sarawak updated
- Brunei IDF and rainfall pattern is now available
- Title block import for Earthwork cut section
- MiTS 2.4 more enhancements and bug fixes
MiTS 2.3 Versions
Released on December 2nd, 2019
- MC Integrator plugin is now working with Civil 3D 2019
- Gradient for platform can be specify by user
- Speed improvements for ROAD projects
- Move function by base point
- Longer berm height shall started from OGL to platform elevation
- MiTS 2.3 more enhancements and bug fixes
MiTS 2.2 Versions
Released on June 4th, 2019
- Provide drain composite design
- Support Civil3D for two (2) ways integration
- Implement on 3D length input column for Drainage, Sewerage and Water Reticulation at spread input
- MiTS 2.2 more enhancements and bug fixes
MiTS 2.1 Versions
Released on July 3rd, 2018
- Earthwork Watershed delineation
- Road – Cutside drain implemented
- Road cross section with ‘Title Block’ import is now available
- Support for BIM
- Implement purge function for drawing
- Watershed delineation
- Culvert design
- MiTS 2.1 more enhancements and bug fixes
MiTS 2.0 Versions
Released on Jan 17th, 2017
- Full 3D integrated design across all modules in one single user interface
- Provide better visualisation, more accurate design & enjoys better coordination
- Google earth point & elevation imports
- Multiple earthwork volume calculation method; i.e: Digital Terrain Method (TIN,TRN), Grid Method & End Area Method
- Shared slopes across platforms
- CAD. (.dxf/.dwg), Text (.txt/.xls) survey point import
- Tracing for architectural drawing & Google Earth drawing
- Clash analysis between water, Sewer & Drain in 3D view
- Provide direct editing for pipes clashing at 3D view
- Support basic CAD function
- Line, Curve & Arc platform modelling
- Auto sloping & berm generation with different cut/fill ratio for each platform
- Auto retaining walls location identification
- Auto generate longitudinal sections
- MiTS 2.0 more enhancements and bugs fixes