For machine that have memory problem to support MES software, error box shown below will popup.

To solve this problem, please ensure that you have sufficient memory in your machine to operate our software. If not, please upgrade your machine memory.
Recommended Computer Specs and Specification
- OS: Windows XP Professional SP3 and above
- RAM: 3GB and above
- Free Disk Space: 1GB and above
- Processor: Pentium Core 2 duo and above
- Clock Speed: 3.0 GHz
- Intel processor
- Graphics Card GForce NVIDIA
- System type: 64-bit
Optimum Computer Specs
- OS: Windows XP Professional SP3 and above
- RAM: 4GB
- Free Disk Space 5 GB
- Processor: Intel Core i7, clock speed 3.0 GHz
- Intel processor
- Graphics Card GForce NVIDIA
- System type: 64-bit
When too many programs are using up your computer’s RAM (Random Access Memory), you may find your system becoming unresponsive. Follow this guide to clear out the clutter from your system’s memory, and get it running smoothly again.
- Close Unnecessary Programs
- Understand how programs use RAM
Programs store temporary data in the computer’s RAM while the program is running. The more programs that you have running, the more RAM is required. The simplest way to free up RAM is to close programs that you aren’t using.
- Close extra windows
If you have multiple programs on your screen, close the ones you aren’t using. If you have a chat program running, but aren’t currently chatting, close the program.
Web browsers with multiple tabs open can take up a significant amount of memory; close tabs that you aren’t using to help get clear out some RAM.
- Force close background program
There are some programs that run in the background that do not have icons in the system tray and do not show up in the System Configuration. To kill background programs that are normally inaccessible, open the Task Manager. To do this, press Ctrl+Alt+Del and select Start Task Manager from the options.
Find the programs that you want to stop. Open the Processes tab. This will show every process that is currently running on your computer. At the bottom of the window, you can see the percentage of your total RAM being used. Click the Memory category to sort the programs by the amount of RAM they are using.
Select the program you want to close and click End Process. A window will open asking if you want to close it, and warning you that closing programs can cause negative effects. Only close programs that you are sure you want to close. Closing certain programs can cause your system to become unstable until you restart. Programs with the User Name “SYSTEM” are generally required for your system to operate correctly.

- Restart Windows Explorer
- Open task manager
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and select the Task Manager from the list of options. The Task Manager window will open. Click on the Processes tab.
- Find explorer
Windows Explorer is the user interface for the Windows operating system. Restarting it clears it from the RAM and reloads it, potentially freeing up some memory. Look for explorer.exe and hit End Process. You can sort by program name by clicking the Image Name category. If done correctly, your taskbar and desktop icons will disappear.

- Restart Windows Explorer
Click on the ‘Applications’ tab, and then click the ‘New Task…’ button. In the window that opens, type “explorer.exe” into the text field and click OK. Explorer will open and your taskbar and desktop icons will reappear.

- Add more physical RAM
The cost of memory has dropped significantly over the years, so upgrading the RAM in your older computer may be much cheaper than it used to be. Consult your computer’s documentation to determine what RAM is compatible with your system.
- Restart your computer
This can temporarily speed up a slow computer by refreshing the memory. Restart, or completely shut down the computer, wait a few seconds, and then turn it back on. Make sure you save any projects you are working on before turning off your computer.

- Run a disk clean up
This can clean up hundreds of megabytes by deleting temporary files, unnecessary system files, and emptying your recycling bin. Click My Computer, right-click Hard Drive, then click Properties. Click Disc Cleanup (within the General tab). A window will pop up asking which files you’d like to remove. Check those you wish to delete and run the cleanup.

Remove the tracing file temporarily
Sometimes the tracing file is large and taken up more space. This will lead to memory problem and affect the software performance. Hence, you may temporarily remove the tracing file from the project file folder. Click the project file folder and remove the tracing file.

Furthermore, you may also reduce the memory used by clean up the tracing file, remove unnecessary layers and objects. This will greatly help you to counter the memory problem.