by Ngu Soon Hui | May 22, 2018 | Announcements, Blog, MiTS 1, MiTS 2, MSMA
SUStoM stands for Sarawak Urban StormWater Management. It is a planning standard to incorporate stormwater management into the design in order to minimize environmental degradation and improve aesthetic as well as recreational appeal of areas in Sarawak. As a...
by Ngu Soon Hui | Nov 6, 2017 | Downloads, Product Updates, Version 2
MES Software MiTS 2 November Released MiTS Computer Specs a) Recommended Computer Specs and Specification OS: Windows 7 SP1 and above RAM 3GB and above Free Disk Space: 1GB and above Processor: Pentium Core 2 duo and above Clock Speed: 3 GHz Intel processor...