603 - 5885 1250 (4 lines) info@mes100.com

Here’s just a short announcement that many of you– especially the early users– might already know: MiTS 3 is now available.

As the next major evolution in the series, MiTS 3 has a lot of NEW features and bug fixes, which we are very proud to present to our existing users. For new users, you can browse the full feature list and release notes to see what do we have since day 1.

Since the above pages are already doing a decent job in introducing the features, here I just want to give a shout out to a specific change concerning sewerage design industry, the MSIG 2025 guideline. This is a new guideline that starts to enforce on March 2025.

Interested existing or potential users can contact our sales for further information, You are welcome to contact us at support@mes100.com or our Official WhatsApp (Here), to learn more about these changes and how you can upgrade your software.


MiTS 3 is still a work in progress, there are a lot of features that we are still cooking (specifically, the Civil 3D Integration with Road and native Earthwork integration), therefore the release cycles will be shorter than MiTS 2, as we are iterating faster and pushing out release at a faster pace. To not miss anything, do check our official website mes100.com from time to time, and if you are already existing MiTS users, keep an eye on our AutoUpdate feature whenever you startup your software, so that you can get the latest updates immediately.

As for MiTS 2, we will still be maintaining it for a while, meaning we will still fix bugs and (occasionally) implement features. We will announce the end of support cycle for MiTS 2, when the time really comes.

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