MES Innovation will hold a seminar on ‘Advanced Infrastructure Design Technology in Malaysia’ that will be kick off in this coming August at Kuala Lumpur. This seminar is a collaboration seminar with REDAC, USM.
Details of the seminar are as follow:
Date : 27th & 28th August 2018
Venue : Kuala Lumpur
Topics covered in this seminar:
- Introduction to the latest infrastructure design technology.
- Techniques to convert Surveyor Data and Google Map data into engineering design.
- Road, Drainage and Detention Facilities such as Pond, OSD, Sediment Basin design with GUI using MSMA 2/SUStoM
- Utilities design with instant result & report generation for submission.
- 3D Visualization technology of infrastructure design.
- Adaptation of IT Solutions in Advanced MSMA/SUStoM Design
- Advanced technology of earthworks, road, drainage, water reticulation, sewerage and MSMA/SUStoM design.
To register, you may fill up the registration form
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