Selangor Seminar (23-7-2011) Ngu Soon Hui 8 years ago See more Selangor Seminar (23-7-2011) Title: Technical Talks On Infrastructure Design Venue: Summit Hotel (Subang USJ) Speaker: Ir. Dr. Quek Keng Hong, Mr. Richard Ting Sie Lee & Mr. Bryan Ewe Teik Tsia Johor Seminar (24&25-10-2011)DateSeptember 23, 2016In relation toEventsSabah Seminar (23-25/5/2011)DateSeptember 23, 2016In relation toEventsKelantan Seminar (27&28-12-2010)DateSeptember 23, 2016In relation toEventsNgu Soon HuiI’m the Benevolent Dictator for Life for MiTS Software cum Editor of this website. Read more here. You can also contact me at